Class of '67

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Class of '67 that is associated with us

I must have an in-built radar to assist some of our seniors to connect. Class of 67... I was only in Form 1 and these seniors were already in Form 5. What could I possibly know about them! Am please to say that I know more than what you guys and gals think.

I remembered clearly in one of the pages in the Signpost of 1967 is the photo of 3 King Scouts – Choo Kim Hoe, Choo Chin Yeow and Lim Kah Teik. Kah Teik was etched in my memory, as our families were close friends in the Chinese Methodist Church. The family friendship has remained strong and extended to the fourth generation. Our grandmothers have been good friends. Kah Teik and his brothers were often found tagging along to the hunting trips my father and his uncles organised.  Kah Teik stayed only a ‘lastic’ shot away and found often on the luscious ‘lak kang’ rambutans trees with my uncles Hee Hock Kee and Hock Jin much to the displeasure of my grandmother.

I visited the Lim family in 2003. Except for one brother, all his brothers and only sister Lay Hoon are from ACS. His Sydney based cousins are fellow ACSians Khoo Chin Thiam and Chin Khoon. Kah Teik visits his brother Michael Kah Sian (Class of 74) when he comes back from Sydney where he now resides with his wife Jenny and 3 daughters. We had homemade sushi after we visited the famous Hill Church. Michael’s son, Daniel, is my godson, so the relationship has always been close.

I connected Kah Teik with Choo Kim Hoe when he first came back a few years ago. Kah Teik or Steven as he is now known in Australia returned for another holiday here in Malaysia. Having being influenced by the different Aussie culture, he was ‘shy’ to bother his former classmates again and was reluctant to make an attempt to call. I nearly had to dial Kim Hoe’s number for him. He seemed to have forgotten the culture here, if you come back from overseas and don’t contact us, we say you very 'sombong' but if you make the attempt to call, we are honoured that you remember our friendship. So finally, our former King Scout plucked enough courage to call Kim Hoe. Within an hour, Tuan Choo aka Baba had rounded up all classmates who were available to meet up for dinner the very next day, 7 Nov 2005. For my efforts, I was invited along to the dinner as well. 

At first, I was a little hesitant about going. Besides Kah Teik, I only know Kim Hoe. When I got there I was surprisingly greeted by Susan Liew (Felicia’s sister) and her husband Michael Yap. Another familiar face was Adeline Ng Ah Peng (Ng Swee Kee/Cheng’s cousin) as her family was also with the Methodist Church; former head prefect - Thong Ah Moi and Judy.

As with all ACSians, we shared fond memories of teachers like Mrs Yong, Mrs Samuel, Cikgu Arshad, the Malay Club, Mrs Foo's tuck shop, the glorious days of School Sports and the various decorated houses.  We could almost taste the aroma of the Indian Mee and the pot of curry, the laksa, and the kachang putih. The guys too admitted pinching from the poor kachang putih seller.  Strangely, one of the subjects was the infamous Chin Kon Lem from BB who I was told developed stacks of photos distributed to quite a lot of ACS girls including juniors like me who was with the Girls Brigade. I was told Kon Lem broke many hearts and now fled to the States. Some knees went wobbly when Theresa Low was mentioned and discussion came to an abrupt stop when Chin Yeow said that she is now married to one of his relative.  Familiar tales regarding sharpeners with mirrors and aeroplanes flying over Labu and short skirts were also told. For a minute I thought this was the class of 71 conversation. Choo Kim Fui, Baba’s younger brother told me this story not too long ago (read article on ACSOSA reunion 2005). Trick and treats of the Choo family?

The guys shared the same view as Class of 71 - ACS girls very fierce, so Convent Girls best…Convent girls! … Michael Yap even remembered the coined phrase …C girls are very cheap, 5 cent one kiss, 10 cent one sleep.  Conversations still linger Scouts Vs BB and the various campfires. Three King Scouts and one BB (Michael Yap) and a loyal junior GB (me!) had a lively exchange of views. I had a good time with them and by 11 we called it a night, which was a relief as the restaurant, was beginning to be turned chilly. Kah Teik promised to bring the wine the next time his classmates treat him dinner. For the free dinner, I promised to write something for them when they send me the photos for ACS website.

Angie Yen


Standing: Cheah Yoke Meng, Jenny Lim, Adelind Ng Ah Ping, Nancy Thoong Ah Moi, Steven Lim Kar Teik, Billy Yap Yoon Pin and Susan Liew

Seated: Choo Kim Ho's wife, Choo Kim Ho, Choo Chin Yeow,and Judy Tung Yip Ching

Choo Kim Ho, Lim Kar Teik, Choo Chin Yeow
Second from left: Elsie Loo Saw Kin was my ex-colleague and good friend (webmaster)
More links below:
<<<Walk down memory lane with Danny Chin Kon Lem>>>
<<<Lunch with Miss Teresa Lo>>>



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