Reunion 3 - 1st May 1993

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First of May 1993 at Allson Klana

First of May which sounded like the Bee Gees number seemed a good day, as it was also a public holiday. Allson Klana Hotel was the obvious happening place in Seremban. It was down to tracking people as the hotel wanted us to commit 40 pax before they will cater for a buffet dinner. It was hard work and an uphill task. Credit to the Fang sisters as they combed the length and breadth of Seremban, Mantin and Tampin to visit your Seremban homes, speaking to parents, siblings for a contact number for you. Our enthusiasm was sometimes not well received or unappreciated. Comments like, "What for what...., how much money, eat in hotel, very expensive, got beer or not, free need lah" were some of the many made. It was a trying time as people just refused to commit. Some said yes to get rid of us or shut us up on the telephone.

I was also tasked to emcee the function and writing speeches, Loon cut cost by supplying the flowers. We roped Sze Poh in and she contributed the balloons for the decor and bought a RM800 for the evening.

Came first of May, we were jittery as to who will actually turn up. It was exciting as we were going to see some people for the first time in 22 years. For the committee, we were nervous as we only managed 35 pax so we made Eddie and Stephen bring their wives to make up the number. There were of course those who said 'yes' but never showed up. Madhadevan was the guest-of-honour and it was a teary yet joyous affair as we sang the school song. Koon Koon was on the keyboard as Loon Loon was the choirmaster.

Confessions were declared, some openly and some secretly. It was led by Balbir who was the the co-emcee with me for the evening. Balbir, the bayi, did not realise that half the boys in school were also in the bookshop in River Road. He thought he was the only candidate! Must have been some of the confessions that circulated around so as to cause Kooi Mei, Foo Chee Seng and Mohan Tarsan for not turning up for further reunions. Though Kean Pow and her sister Kean Peng did not join us, gave permission for her husband, Foo Chee Seng to attend. For some strange reason, all of us lost touch with Chee Seng after this reunion. Maybe it is true what they say about Hakka girls - definitely tougher than Hainanese guys.

It was at the Allson Klana reunion that Rahimi made a brief appearance when the dinner was over. We extracted a promise from him to stay in touch but have not heard since then. Balbir too has not been a regular since there were no more emcee job for him after this one.

We adjourned for a sleazy karaoke joint in Punca Emas, choice of Eddie and then back to Allson for a late supper. The bill must have burnt a big hole in Tiew Sing's pockets and he disappeared and did not join us for subsequent reunions.

The inexperienced committee made some losses at the first of May Allson Reunion. Some classmates who learnt about our predicament dug into their pockets and contributed. We also managed to cover the loss by charging higher prices for reprint of photographs. In the end we did make a profit and splashed it over lunch at Regent Restaurant. It was also at this lunch that we wanted to lynch the vicious rumour-monger who was spreading stories about decent gals like Sze Poh, Koon Koon and yours truly. Lucky for him, someone squealed and he did not turn up. We could have added another name to the obituary section!

Angie Yen 

Regent Restaurant




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