Sequel to Reunion 6

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Lunch at Lulu's Campur Store as the final Event on 1st August at 1PM

One final gathering before heading home and other holiday destinations. How can we not visit the famous Lulu's 'campur' store? It brought back many nostalgic feelings of our youthful days when we used to cycle to this joint to quench our thirst with the delicious ais kacang and other drinks. The quality of the drinks have not changed even though the store has been relocated. Lulu was there to remember as many faces as she possibly could. She did very well in recalling a number of us (including those who are still in her black book - no names mentioned!). We were joined by Pastor Yeoh as well as members and guests of his congregation. Small world, but with Chin Tiam and wife having the same intentions as us in wanting to sample Seremban ais kacing, where other place can he go except for the famous Lulu's campur store! Mr Thong, the current principal of ACS, was also invited to receive the donation that was collected the during the reunion dinner. He accepted the gift on behalf of the school with gratitude and appreciation and promised us that the money will be put to good use.

The curtain to this year's reunion finally closed when everyone made way for home and other holiday destinations. Sadly we bid each other farewell with heavy hearts but the CRO promised that she will gather us again in the near future, two years time, perhaps. So long for now, till we meet again in 2006!

Hock Lye



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