Reunion 2 - 1993

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Reunion 2 - Chinese New Year in 1993

The second reunion meal was at a Restaurant in Blossom Heights, third day of the Chinese New Year, January 1993, Yee  Sang. This time we had a full table and I remember Eddie Leow, Stephan Tan Eng Beng together with David Madhadevan and his wife joining us. Seeing Balbir without his turban was amaz-singh! I don't remember anyone bringing a camera

It was casual meal and many reserved as most were meeting for along time after many years and each trying to see if we can remember where the rest of the classmates were or figuring out what they were doing. Kim Fui, we thought, by now was serving in the Singapore Police but Koon remembered that he was operating a dhobi somewhere in Rahang. It was definitely at this dinner that the idea of organising a reunion on a larger scale was mooted. We realised that it was 22 years since some of us met. An organising committee of Loo Thay, Poh Ling, Koon Koon, Loon Loon, Eng Beng and yours truly was formed to get the third reunion going.

Angie Yen


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